Please use the following form for Fleet Entry Parade registration. Items marked with an (*) are required.
Please list the Boat Names of the Vessels in your Fleet. If greater than 8, please contact [email protected] for more information.
Day of Parade Information, if different from Fleet Leader
Parade Boat Disclaimer
In consideration of acceptance of the entry form for the Seattle Yacht Club's (SYC) Opening Day, we agree to decorate/exhibit the boats identified above in accordance with definitions applying to the class entered. We further agree jointly and severally to release, indemnify and hold harmless from any claim of liability or negligence whatsoever SYC, its committee members and employees. The Parade Directory has the authority to hold back any entry for failure to follow parade instructions. Any entry found to be not in accordance with the class definitions, in the judgment of the Parade Director, will not be allowed to proceed into the parade. I represent that I am authorized to execute this covenant on behalf of my club and all parties having an interest in the boats identified above.